The makers of Force Factor are releasing a preworkout drink called Body Rush.  If you're like me and don't like the taste of Gatorade or wish you had more control over what you're drinking, Body Rush is going to be a great product for you!
Sleep is one of the most important (and easiest) ways to stay healthy.  If you have trouble sleeping but don't like having to take a prescription or OTC drug, check out a melatonin supplement, like SomnaPure (my favorite)
Stirling Mortlock
I found this humorous article today.  People that made the list include Magnus Ver Magnusson and Commander Flex Plexico.  The first place name is patently ridiculous (and manly).  How does YOUR name compare?

Read the 9 Manliest Names in the World

Previous posts have focused on some good exercises and fitness tips.  But how about some functional exercises?  The following five strongman events tests your strength and focus in real-life scenarios.  Check out the full article for videos too.

The TIre Flip
The tire flip is an explosive movement that requires a triple extension of the hips, knees and ankles. Flip as many times as possible and use this as a finisher to any of your workouts. explosive movement that requires a triple extension of the hips, knees and ankles. Flip as many times as possible and use this as a finisher to any of your workouts.his as a finisher to any of your workouts.
The Farmer's Walk
The farmer's walk tests your functional strength in grip, upper back and core. The farmer's walk can also be performed with dumbbells.
Overhead Press
The overhead press in strongman can be tested in several different ways. You can use a log, axle, barbell or dumbbells. The overhead press is one of the best complete tests of strength.
Sandbag CarrySandbag Carry
Sandbags are one of the best tests for grip strength, arms and back power. This carry should be performed as fast as possible.
Atlas Stone
The atlas stone is a good test of your quadriceps, core and manhood. Pull the weight tight into chest and drive through reps with your hips.